Wednesday, July 1, 2015

that one half painted wall

I have bought approximately 40% of the things that fill Dash's nursery. Everything else has been moved from other parts of he house, repainted, repurposed. The art and decor is either handmade or I've bought it intending to do little makeovers.

Basically I haven't done a lot because I wanted to get to know our baby before I decided on their space.

Now that I know our boy Dash, I want to slowly create a space for him thats happy and peaceful and full of fun and love. I want lots of handmade bits and pieces and happy colours and really the point of this post is that I've decided what to do with the wall behind his cot...

At first I was all which decal! Spots or crosses or lightening bolts or.... whatever too hard. Then I was all but whhhyyyy is this amazing celestial ralph lauren wall paper so expensive!? and then I dove right in to stick on wall paper but dear lord which one. And then I was like but what on earth do I put on his picture rail to make up for the boring blank wall??? And just last weekend I was asking this shop owner how on earth I can recreate this kickass life sized skeleton they had painted on their wall. Shall I call the artist now or wait until you turn it into a poster?

But this week while scrolling pinterest it hit me in the face.

Just paint a damn feature wall and call her done. Or rather half paint it.

And now begins the battle of which colour. I'm all for a yellow! a bright and happy but also a little on the mustardy side yellow. Nick is waaaaay on the bluer side of life and I've asked every person I've seen since Monday and people are mostly yellow but wouldn't you be if some Mother with a crazy look in her eye was making you choose?

Thought so.

Stay tuned for thrilling nursery updates.

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