Monday, July 6, 2015

E I G H T weeks of Dash

I feel like the biggest goose ever, I have the foggiest brain. I was chopping up sweet potato to go in a soup I was making as a snack the other day (first sign there's a problem) and instead of plopping the pieces into the bowl I had out, I was plopping them into the bin next to it. I only realised this when I got to the end of the chopping sesh and realised there was no sweet potato in the bowl. Blogger should have emoji's cause insert a few here. Honestly breast feeding baby brain is way worse than pregnancy baby brain. Also more entertaining for family and friends. 

Whatever, babies don't really care if you have a foggy brain! Look at this kid, what a beautiful little potato with eyes. He is E I G H T weeks old now, can you even believe it.

Side note: Nick just made me run across the house to watch him say hello to the boy a few thousand times over. Dash giggled and kicked and made gurgly noises that sounded like hello back so, you know, he's a superstar. 

Anyway anyway! Some facts about little boy Dash at eight weeks old for you:

At eight weeks old baby Dash still has furry ears. He is becoming a champion fat roll producer but is falling behind in the hair growing department, save for the 5 or 6 strands on top of his head - imagine Homer Simpson. He is discovering his hands just like the wonder week app suggested he would, so clever that app. He's also discovered his elephant mobile above his change table! He saves all of his best smiles for that elephant with bells, his mother pretends not to be offended. The wonderful little soul has outgrown his baby, baby clothes. The 4 and 5 zero sized clothes are in a sad little pile in his room waiting to be sorted into keep and donate and trash (hello poo stains) bags. I'm missing opportunities to dress him in some pieces! I'm devastated and thrilled at the same time.

Since baby Buddha is growing out of his baby bath, he's been floating around in baths with us every night. One of us has a bath and supports Dashy boys head while he floats on his back and splashes to his hearts content. What a life. 

Basically Dash has taken over our lives completely (obviously) and I am now that Mum that goes out to brunch with friends and insists that they look at photos of the baby when he was just born, even though they're already looking at the actual baby. Don't worry I'm rolling my eyes at myself but I actually cannot resist. 

Smothers unite. 

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