Monday, April 20, 2015

37 weeks // bumpdate

In the last few weeks I've felt a shift. I want nothing but to be at home, to get myself, my house and my little family prepared for what's about to come. I want to say no to people, be as anti social as possible, to really hibernate and I suppose meditate. 

I want to trust my instincts right now and that exactly what I am doing. Even when I say "I WANT MARSHMALLOWS" and Husband says no no no you don't, really and tries to swerve me away from them, I go ahead and pick up a bag anyway. I feel a little sick now but I still think I needed them!

How far? // 37 weeks and 3 days. Also known as full term. 

How big? // Big enough to give birth any day I'd say. I was REALLY having a hard time with my rib pain up until yesterday. I thought that seeing as though the baby was engaged, they wouldn't drop down much more and I would have to suffer until the end of time/baby time. I was wrong. Baby has dropped, I can breathe, all is calm. 

Cravings? // The usual. Hot chips, ice cream, the occassional marshmallow. FINALLY got my hands on some decent mandarins and you know what? I always thought that by the time the mandarins were ready, baby would be ready. We'll see if I'm right. 

Stretch marks? // zilch. I often wake up and inspect my stomach and freak out only to find that I am freaking out over lines from my clothes/sheets. We're all good. 

How was this week? // Like I said before, I've felt a shift. I've felt an even bigger shift over the weekend but I don't want to expand on it or even think on it too much myself because I don't want to get my hopes up. Also this is all so confusing. Why do I have NO friends who are midwives!? 

Weird pregnancy moment? // These maternal instincts! Or what I hope to be maternal instincts... 

The nursery? // Done for now! Except for the change mat cover I have to sew... and I don't want to... so who knows if it will get done. Baby's bag is packed and ready. Mine will be finished and ready to go tonight. Baby's moses basket has been moved up next to our bed ready to go... So we're really ready for you baby!

Waiting is hard. 

Lucky I am still working and have netflix and NBA TV and messy cupboards to clean and an exercise ball to bounce on. 

More wicked maternity blabbering and photos to come, I'm sure.

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