Monday, February 8, 2016

Super thrilling day in the life!

it's February 9!

Get yourself a nice big old glass of $5 Aldi merlot and let me tell you about my February 9.

February 9 started at 6.30am with a little bit of protesting coming from down the hall. Not too loud though because this suuuper tired Mama didn't even plug in the baby monitor/microphone last night. All was well, in case you were worried.

We made our usual avocado on toast, I thoroughly enjoyed the first three sips of my soy latte (the only ones I ever take) and Dash waited very patiently for his meds and breakfast. We played together on the floor, Nick and I lying like sloths and Dash crawling over us like we were an obstacle course, bless him. Dashie soon went back to bed and since Nick had the day off I thought, heck, I'm going back too!

For 20 minutes.

Until my phone yelled at me and there was my father, the wardrobe installer, plumbing supplier and kitchen company all demanding this or something other. I dragged my scraggly bottom out of bed and into the office and then out of the office and onto to site where I found the power was on! But the light switches weren't wired correctly and the sink was the wrong way around! Not to worry though because all of the mornings problems were sorted by 11am.

Which was when I rushed home and thought shit! We've got to leave for the hospital in an hour and I haven't packed and I haven't showered and its Dashiell's 9 month Birthday so I need to take a cutesy 9 months on the outside photo! As seen below.

Miracle of miracles, we made it out the door on time, stopped to pick up a snapple for Mum, a Powerade for Dad, a yoghurt for Dash and some chewy for the Drs cause we all forgot to brush our teeth.

We cruised into the Canberra children's hospital with 10 mins of instagramming time to spare. I used it wisely. We then found our little room with DD on the door and made ourselves at home.

Dash weighed in at 9.8kg which is so good! But also! You don't even know how much I will celebrate when he hits 10kg.

Cue physio - more time banging on chest while lying horizontal
Cue social worker - Centrelink form nightmares, marriage counselling, general woe is me conversations
Cue gastroenterologist - poops are fine
Cue geneticist - please arrange tests for my family to see which blasted side is responsible
Cue dietician - yay for Dash!
Cue paediatrician - chest ok, stethoscope ticklish, more meds, book in annual review

Annual review!!!!

We're 3 months off our annual review which means many things but mostly it means we will have a ONE year old in three months and that we will celebrate by putting our baby under, taking lots of his blood, clearing out and taking a good look at his lungs and x-raying them while we're there.

We will also celebrate with a cake in the shape of Lenny the sloth.

Finally we were finished with wretched hospital! on the way out we babble about today's outcomes, beam at our deliciously healthy Son, make a bee line for the mall so we can feed out empty bellies. At the mall we run into god mother! God mother has agreed to have a sleep over at our house tomorrow because...

We're doing clinic all over again.

In two days.

In Sydney.

Now it is 8.30pm on February 9 and I am sitting in Dash's nursery marvelling that it's only taken the baby angel an hour to fall asleep in his cot.

Cue $5 Aldi wine
Cue MKR on my phone because I missed it live
Cue no packing/cleaning
Cue bath and snore fest.

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