Wednesday, August 5, 2015

That postpartum body nobody warned me about

To be perfectly honest, when 9 months pregnant, I thought that I would have the baby (a girl) and be back in my old wardrobe in a month. I was so excited! I was actually pulling out my pre baby, pre wedding clothes and getting ready to be that stylish Mama with a thigh gap and a toned stomach toting around a headband wearing newborn.


Times a million.

Why did no one warn me that your body changes? I mean they did (thanks Mum) but why didn't I listen? Why didn't I prepare myself with some clothes that were a few sizes bigger than I used to wear? I am twelve weeks postpartum and you better believe I am still rocking those maternity tunics. I'm wearing one right now!

It occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that I should try and get back in shape so that I could wear the twelve pairs of jeans waiting for me instead of the one pair from Kmart that are taking a beating. Yes, Kmart. I was desperate.

It was also around that time that I took notice of the influx of Michelle Bridges ads. You know the ones, the women who have halved their body weight talk about how the 12WBT program changed their lives... whatever. I didn't consider something like the 12WBT program earlier because while I have 12kgs to lose still, I just thought it would drop off as I breast fed my baby. Plus, surely I wasn't that girl that needed step by step guidance.


If the weight hasn't melted off me in twelve weeks I think I need to actively do something to get fit. So I am. I signed up because hallelujah! There is a program for new Mums! With a big enough calorie intake to make sure there is no messing with milk supplies because jeans mean nothing compared to feeding my baby.

Anyway, anyway, consider this my public declaration that I, Mrs Dew, paid $200 to Michelle Bridges to get fit and I bloody well will.

Also here is my adorable 12 week postpartum selfie, taken with my baby shield.

Now wish me luck and cross your fingers that I lose 12 kgs in 12 weeks.


(I'll settle for 6)

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